Papakura Post Office
A spazmodical photographic zine

From Hellingly
Photos of Hellingly abandoned Mental Hospital by Max Reeves
Conversation between a Mental Patient and his Doctor by Howard Slater

London - A World-Class City
Photos by Max Reeves
Art by Marlowe Chan-Reeves
Commentary by Josie Berry-Slater and Anthony Iles

New Jerusalem
Photos by Max Reeves
Blake’s London: Art by Marlowe Chan-Reeves
Blake’s London: Text by Steve Ash
Dialogue between Niall McDevitt and Aidan Andrew Dun
Leun Deun by Niall McDevitt

Mind-Forged Manacles
Photos by Max Reeves
Texts by Niall McDevitt, John Cunningham and Sarah Wheler
Art by Matthew Couper, Matthew Hyland, Mark Rathnall, Micalef
Art by Byers Brown, David Beales, Marlowe Chan-Reeves, John Crow
Crochet by Katie Kaos and Unknown (left on Blake’s grave).

Leun'Deun (notre brick)
A Manifesto by Niall McDevitt
Photographs by Max Reeves
Notre Brick Thrower Annotations (after Blake) by Matthew Hyland
Response by Niall McDevitt
LEUN’DEUN by Niall McDevitt
Other Photos by Max Reeves